Destiny Chapel is a multi-cultural congregation where you will meet and interact with people from various cultures, backgrounds, and walks of life. This creates a family-like atmosphere where people truly love one another and encourage one another in every area of life.
We are charismatic and Spirit-led and hold a high reverence for the Word of God. That means that our gatherings may not look like a production that stirs emotion, but we pray that they stir hearts, draw people closer to Jesus, and allow people to experience Him and all that He has to offer.
We believe the Christian life is exciting - and that excitement is reflected in our services! You'll be encouraged by hearing personal testimonies, powerful and anointed praise and worship songs, and hear a biblically sound and easily applicable message. You'll find that while we maintain a sense of order during our services, we also allow God to be in charge and change our plans.
"I am thrilled to warmly welcome you to Destiny Chapel! It is my sincere desire that we can, in some way, be a blessing to you and your family. I trust that when you visit us, you'll receive a warm and genuine welcome from our church family and that you'll sense the presence of Jesus as you worship with us.
I wholeheartedly believe that God has great plans for you. It's more than a cliché, it's a promise! And if for some reason you're currently not experiencing His best in your life, you've come to the right place to see what He can do! I've watched Him turn impossible situations into reality - and I know He will do the same for you!
Once again, you're always welcome at Destiny Chapel! We're so happy you're here!"
- Rev. Andy Miller
We believe that the Bible is true, that Jesus still works miracles, and that there is a reason that you're on this earth.
Rev. Andy Miller is the lead pastor at Destiny Chapel. He leads with an apostolic grace and a Kingdom focus and is passionate about connecting people with their God-given purpose to identify and fulfill the specific mandate on their lives.
Andy is married to Karmen and they have three daughters. He has served in pastoral ministry since 2012 and is currently pursuing a doctorate of ministry degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. Rev. Andy also leads Kingdom Living Ministries, a ministry equipping pastors and church leaders around the world and also works professionally in the real estate industry.
He leads our leadership development teams, men's ministry, provides pastoral care and counseling, and leads special classes such as financial management, entrepreneurship, and more.